Your one-stop shop

Brand Marketing* Partner

* marketing aligned with brand

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Our Mission

Be a one-stop shop for all brand marketing needs for startups, entrepreneurs, social enterprises, not-for-profit and small businesses.

Our aim is to bridge the gap for businesses by: 

making brand marketing accessible to clients & 

making a meaningful contribution to client success.


Our Brand Name

Quiklytics = Quik + lytics

Quik reflecting swiftness, speed and efficiency signifies our commitment to delivering prompt and effective results.

Lytics derived from ‘analytics' highlights our expertise in data-driven decision-making. 

The swift bird

Our Mascot

Embodying agility, speed and precision, the swift bird in our logo reflects our commitment to delivering rapid and efficient solutions.

Just as this little bird navigates the skies with accuracy, Quiklytics expertly guides businesses to success through fast and insightful strategies.

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logo, slogan, typography, color palette

Our Visual Identity

Our logo, slogan, typography and color palette express our core identity. Our logo embodies our agile spirit. Our slogan highlights comprehensive services. Our typography and color palette reflect professionalism, minimalism & vibrance. Together, these elements craft a cohesive visual identity for our brand ‘Quiklytics'.


Our Logo Designer: Alban Lyndem

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Primary Logo
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Submark / Monogram
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Full Logo With Slogan



Our Core Team

Comprises of experts in branding, marketing (traditional and digital), design, logo creation, analytics, SEO, SEM, and content. We deliver innovative and effective data-driven solutions tailored to your business needs with precision and creativity, thereby bringing you growth and visibility .

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Dr. Preeti K Lyndem

Founder & CEO

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Samanda N Pyngrope

Principal Designer

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Karaki Design Lab

Agency Partner

How we work

Our Approach

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Discovery & Analysis

We conduct a thorough assessment to understand your business, market and challenges, ensuring tailored solutions.

Strategy Development

We create a comprehensive, actionable strategy aligned with your goals, covering all key business areas.

Implementation & Optimization

We execute the strategy, monitor performance, and optimize continuously to achieve and exceed your objectives.

Interested In Collaborating With Us?

© 2024. Quiklytics. All rights reserved.